CONTACT - Dick Durbin - Replies

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On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 10:11 AM Senator Richard J. Durbin <> wrote:

July 10, 2024

Dear Doc:

          Thank you for contacting Senator Durbin's Senate office.


          Senator Durbin would like to answer your letter but is unable to because of Senate rules and federal laws governing the use of official Senate resources.


          According to the Senate Ethics Manual, Senate space, equipment, staff time, and resources generally cannot be used for campaign purposes.  The use of federal office space (including Congressional office space), official government equipment, and supplies purchased with federal tax dollars but used for campaign purposes also could violate other federal laws, and Congressional rules.


          In the future, if you would like to contact the campaign office, please contact: 


          Friends of Dick Durbin

          P.O. Box 1949

          528 South 5th Street

          Springfield, IL 62701



          Thank you again for contacting Senator Durbin's Senate office.



      Richard J. Durbin
      United States Senator


